

This free practice quiz includes questions from ISACA®在ISACA的官方CISM考试中,你可以期待相同难度的考试准备解决方案.

  1. 风险评估和业务影响分析(BIA)已经为一个组织的主要拟议购买和新流程完成. 信息安全经理和业务部门经理之间存在分歧,业务部门经理将负责评估结果和识别风险. 下面哪个选项是correct 最好的 信息安全经理的方法?

    1. Acceptance of the business manager’s decision on the risk to the corporation


    2. Acceptance of the information security manager’s decision on the risk to the corporation

      The typical information security manager is focused on risk, 平均而言, 他/她会高估100%的风险——通常考虑最坏的情况而不是最可能的事件.

    3. Review of the risk assessment with executive management for final input


    4. Create a new risk assessment 和 BIA to resolve the disagreement

      There is no indication that the assessments are inadequate or defective in some way; therefore, 重复这种做法是没有必要的

  2. 谁负责确保信息被分类并采取具体的保护措施?

    1. 保安人员


    2. 高级管理人员

      Routine administration of all aspects of security is delegated, but top management must retain overall accountability.

    3. 终端用户

      终端用户 does not perform categorization.

    4. 托管人

      托管人 supports 和 implements information security measures as directed.

  3. 从组织内部到外部的异常服务器通信可以被监控到:

    1. record the trace of advanced persistent threats

      在高级持续性威胁中,目标攻击最重要的特征是恶意软件秘密地将信息发送回命令和控制服务器. 因此, 监视没有遵循预定义路由的出站服务器通信将是检测此类安全事件的最佳控制方法.

    2. evaluate the process resiliency of server operations


    3. verify the effectiveness of an intrusion detection system


    4. support a nonrepudiation framework in e-commerce

      Nonrepudiation may be supported by technology, such as a digital signature. Server communication itself does not support the effectiveness of an e-commerce framework.

  4. 下列哪项 authentication methods prevents authentication replay?

    1. 密码哈希实现

      Capturing the authentication h和shake 和 replaying it through the network will not work. Using hashes by itself will not prevent a replay.

    2. 挑战/响应机制

      挑战/响应机制通过在每个身份验证事件中发送不同的随机挑战来防止重放攻击. 应对措施与这一挑战息息相关.

    3. 有线等效隐私加密的使用

      A wired equivalent privacy key will not prevent sniffing, 但如果攻击者没有WEP密钥,则需要更长的时间来破解它)。. 因此,它将无法阻止记录和重播身份验证握手.

    4. Hypertext Transfer Protocol basic authentication


  5. 与it相关的风险管理活动是 大多数 当它们是有效的:

    1. 作为一个独立的过程处理的


    2. 由资讯科技部门执行

      确保一个目标, 全面的方法, IT risk management must be addressed on an enterprisewide basis, 使其与it部门分离.

    3. 集成到业务流程中

      IT是业务活动的推动者, 为了更有效, it must be integrated into business processes.

    4. 与所有员工沟通


  6. 下面哪一个是 最好的 在造成重大损害之前检测成功渗透网络的入侵者的方法?

    1. 定期进行渗透测试

      Penetration testing will not detect an intruder.

    2. 建立最低安全底线

      Security baselines set minimum security levels but are not related to detecting intruders.

    3. 实现厂商默认设置

      Implementing vendor default settings do not detect intruders 和 is not the best idea.

    4. 在网络中安装蜜罐

      Honeypots attract hackers away from sensitive systems 和 files. 因为蜜罐受到严密监控, the intrusion is more likely to be detected before significant damage is inflicted.

  7. 下列哪项是 最大的 threat to the security of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?

    1. 用户 特别的 不记录报告

      Although the lack of logging for user 特别的 reporting is not necessarily good, 它并不像未能安装安全补丁那样代表严重的安全弱点.

    2. 网络流量通过单个交换机

      Routing network traffic through a single switch is not unusual.

    3. Operating system security patches have not been applied


    4. 数据库安全默认为ERP设置


  8. In a social engineering scenario, which of the following will 大多数 可能减少未经授权的个人访问计算资源的可能性?

    1. 实现屏幕上的密码屏蔽


    2. Conducting periodic security awareness programs


    3. 增加修改密码的频率


    4. Requiring that passwords be kept strictly confidential


  9. 对安全事件的事后审查显示,有一个过程没有受到监控. As a result monitoring functionality has been implemented. 下列哪项可以 最好的 期望从这个补救?

    1. 减少总事件持续时间


    2. 增加风险承受能力

      风险承受能力是高级管理层根据风险分析的结果和高级管理层认为组织能够有效管理的风险数量所作出的决定. Risk tolerance will not change from implementation of a monitoring process

    3. 识别改进

      当关键进程未被监控时, 缺乏监控可能会导致安全漏洞或威胁未被发现,从而导致安全事件. 一旦实现了一致的监控, identification of vulnerabilities 和 threats will improve.

    4. 促进事态升级

      Monitoring itself is simply an identification 和 reporting tool; it has little bearing on how information is escalated to other staff members for investigation 和 resolution.

  10. To determine how a security breach occurred on the corporate network, a security manager looks at the logs of various devices. 下列哪项 最好的 facilitates the correlation 和 review of these logs?

    1. 数据库服务器

      The database server would not assist in the correlation 和 review of the logs.

    2. 域名服务器

      The domain name server would not assist in the correlation 和 review of the logs.

    3. 时间服务器

      To accurately reconstruct the course of events, 需要一个时间参考, 这是由时间服务器提供的.

    4. 代理服务器

      The proxy server would not assist in the correlation 和 review of the logs.

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Remember: these questions are a small preview of what you can expect on exam day. CISM官方考试有150道题.

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Remember: these questions are a small preview of what you can expect on exam day. CISM官方考试有150道题.

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